I write articles about marketing and this blog contains information on hints, tips and marketing ideas. But, today, I want to talk about you. Yes, you. The person in the marketing department. Whether you are the VP of Marketing, CMO, product manager, or a support person. Do you know your value? Can you put a price on your worth? Well, I contend that you are a very valuable part of the marketing mix within your company. So, do you know your value or worth?
Too many times I think employees think they are just a small cog in this big wheel called a company and that their contribution doesn’t matter to the overall scheme of things. Well, I’m here today to tell you that your contributions do matter. And they matter a lot.
That’s why it behooves you to become an expert in your particular area of marketing. Visualize how your specialty fits into the overall picture of your company. In particular, ask yourself how do you serve your customers? How well do you serve your co-workers? How well do you serve management?
It’s all about serving and giving back. So, next time you feel unimportant or that your job doesn’t matter. Remember…. it does matter….and it matters a lot.
Here’s a toast to all the marketing personnel. Know that you are very much appreciated.