Should you Market to the Baby Boomer, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z Demographic Groups Using the Same Marketing Strategy?

I think we marketers tend to lump everyone into the same bucket, from the Baby Boomers to the Gen X'ers, to the Gen Y, and Gen Z populations. But is that the best way for [...]

2020-01-13T12:10:42-08:00Advertising, Branding, Marketing|Comments Off on Should you Market to the Baby Boomer, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z Demographic Groups Using the Same Marketing Strategy?

Do I Really Need to Hire a Professional Photographer? My Co-Worker Joey Has a Pretty Good Camera!

By: Ted Villegas, TedV Studios, Guest Blogger Sheila here. Thanks for coming to The Marketing Forum blog. Today, we hear from guest blogger, Ted Villegas, photographer extraordinaire, who is sharing a series of articles on [...]

2019-12-18T12:46:14-08:00Advertising, Branding, Marketing, Photography|Comments Off on Do I Really Need to Hire a Professional Photographer? My Co-Worker Joey Has a Pretty Good Camera!

How To Make An Impact With a Memorable Logo

By George Stez, Guest Blogger Would you agree that a company’s logo is the most valuable visual element your company owns? When executed correctly, it allows you the opportunity to communicate what your company is [...]

2019-08-02T12:00:04-07:00Branding, Marketing|Comments Off on How To Make An Impact With a Memorable Logo

If You Build It, They May Not Come!

Remember that saying in the movie Field of Dreams, and I'm paraphrasing here, "If you build it, they will come."? It was actually, "If you build it, he will come." Well, you get my drift, [...]

2019-04-04T13:59:58-07:00Advertising, Branding, Marketing, Public Relations|Comments Off on If You Build It, They May Not Come!

What Do You Think a Brand is? It May Not Be What You Think.

I hear the word "brand" used a lot lately. Typically when I ask my clients what do you mean by brand, they typically say they want a new logo, new tagline, new graphics, etc. Your [...]

2019-02-01T15:29:46-08:00Branding, Marketing|Comments Off on What Do You Think a Brand is? It May Not Be What You Think.
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