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E-mail marketing has just about peaked in terms of new technology. Almost everyone has an e-newsletter these days. But, what is the secret to leading the pack in terms of innovation in eMarketing? Here are a few tactics that will help you engage your customers.

  • Use an auto-responder to set up an automated e-mail to customers who have recently purchased your product. Request that they complete a product review. This is a good way to increase brand loyalty and may also encourage these customers to provide valuable content for you.
  • Use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to encourage your customers to share your e-newsletter with colleagues. Add a Share Button to your e-mails. And when a new subscribers signs up for your e-newsletter, encourage them to share your content in your Welcome e-mail message.
  • If you have an e-commerce function on your Website to allow online ordering of your products, make sure you have a great Web analytics program to determine which customers may have failed to make a purchase (commonly called shopping cart abandonment). This data can then trigger an e-mail to be sent encouraging the customers to return to your site to complete their transaction.
  • The age old question is when is the best time to send my e-mail? Studies have shown that customers look at their e-mails at all times of the day. Others may look when they first get up in the morning, and others may look at it later in the day. But, now there is a new technology called Send Time Optimization that can analyze recipient behavior. This will allow you to send your e-mail messages when they are most likely reviewing their e-mail.
  • Mobile marketing is coming of age. Now that the technology has advanced it is an excellent way to stay in touch with your customers. Use this for timely notices especially reminders, invitations, or special notifications.
  • Segment your mailing list. Don’t treat all people the same regardless of their interest level. You must know where they are in the purchasing life cycle. At the very least categorize your customers into new, active, or lapsed. Through your e-mail reports you should be able determine where they are in the marketing life cycle. Find out why these people are no longer opening your e-mails.
  • Your goal should be to increase the conversion rate. You want your readers to purchase product. If your conversion rates are lagging make your call to action more energetic, more appealing, or articulate it more clearly. Use landing pages wisely to focus your customers on your specific call to action.