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Do you think marketing is complicated? Well, it can be if you make it that way. But, you really should simplify your marketing strategies. Here are a few things to remember when creating your marketing plan.

  • Know your target audience. Make sure you are aiming for the right people. So many companies continue doing the same thing over and over again when it isn’t working. Just because “we’ve always done it this way” doesn’t mean the market hasn’t shifted or changed. Stay on the pulse of what’s happening in your industry and with the people who have bought your products in the past. Are they shifting to a new technology, a different product, or another supplier? Find out from your customers how the market is trending.
  • Make an irresistible offer in all of your marketing material. Too many marketers simply state their product’s features. Always answer the question for your audience “What’s in it for me?”. Get your audience to engage with your company. Offer them something of value. The valuable item will be different for each company. It could be a white paper, free product samples, or a free demonstration. You’ll have to find out what your audience wants the most.
  • Make your marketing consistent. I see it all the time with my clients. They’ll start a marketing program for a few months, then lose interest. And then they wonder why their marketing isn’t working. Placing an ad once or publishing one press release will not increase your company’s visibility. A sustained and consistent marketing program will increase awareness of your company and its products. If you only have the budget to do one marketing program, make it the best you can. If you can only afford to do some press releases, then send at least one out per month. Or, if you can only afford to send out an e-newsletter, send it out to your mailing list at least once a month. But, make sure you are providing your readers with quality information. It is most likely that you have a pretty good in-house mailing list. So, utilize that contact information to the fullest.
Following some simple rules of marketing will do wonders to promote your company. Keep it consistent, follow a regular schedule, and keep your message clear.