Do you know how to work the crowd when you are attending a corporate function? Do you just stand there like a wallflower waiting for someone to come up and talk to you? Or are you the one who makes the effort to introduce yourself. Networking is vital to being successful in business today. Whether you are an entrepreneur or have a long-term career at a company, networking can make or break your career.
Here are a few tips to help you make the best connections:
- Remember it’s not who you know but who knows you. You may know a lot of people but if no one knows you…you won’t be the one getting that call for that job offer, that contract, or that promotion.
- Use your existing contact to make new contacts. Stay in touch with existing contacts on a regular basis. If you need help with something ask your contact to mentor you. Or vice versa, offer to become a mentor.
- Stay visible. With the world of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., we often get bogged down with just writing messages. Keep up your face-to-face connections. Attend networking events on a regular basis.
- Join professional organizations. Keep up to date with current technology by joining professional organizations in your field of expertise. Join the local chapter. Attend the business meetings. Volunteer to chair a committee.
- Schedule your time effectively. Once you start networking you can drain yourself of time and energy by attending every event possible. Be selective and pick the events that will be most effective in helping you to network.
- Be open to new contacts. Your leads can come from unexpected sources. You may not think that you should network with individuals outside of your field. They may know someone who is the decision maker.
- Write articles for the professional association newsletters or journals. Get published in other trade journals. Show your expertise in your area of knowledge.
- Give presentations at professional meetings, trade shows, conferences, etc. Let people know what you do.
- Change your attitude about networking. Enjoy making new contacts. It is a great way of sharing resources and information.
- Categorize your contact list. This will make it easier to contact the right individuals when the need arises.
If you take some of the guidelines to heart, you will become more comfortable promoting yourself and will create visibility for yourself and your business.