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You’ve probably heard of “landing pages”, haven’t you? Those are the pages where you are directed when you click on a link from an advertisement, an offer or from a social media site. So, where do you land? If it’s the home page of the company’s website, you’re probably not getting the lead conversions you want. Here are a few tips to help you create successful landing pages to help you convert more of those leads to customers.

  • First of all, make sure your landing page addresses the offer, topic, or information you reference from the link you provided. Don’t just have a sign-up form and call it a day. Directing the lead to a Contact Us page will guarantee you will lose your audience right away.
  • As with all good marketing and advertising, get the person’s attention with a great headline, like you would with an advertisement. But, keep the headline simple. Don’t try to get too cute or complicated. The headline should clearly state what the visitor will get if they sign up. Is it a book, is it a free consultation, etc.
  • The body copy for your landing page should clearly state and further explain the offer and why the visitor should sign up. In other words, show the value of your service, offer, item, etc. Create some sizzle in other words. Why is your offer the best thing since sliced bread. But, since most people’s attention spans are short, don’t belabor the point. Get to your three key reasons for buying, signing up, etc. as quickly as possible.
  • Make your landing page esthetically pleasing. Try using some imagery to capture the visitor’s attention. But, make sure it reinforces the body copy and the headline. There’s nothing worse than to use generic stock photography that has no relation to the subject matter you are trying to convey.
  • In order for your landing page to be indexed by search engines, make sure that the meta description specifically describes what the landing page is about and make sure it relates back to your website. Five to seven highly relevant keywords are recommended.
  • Don’t forget to create a sign-up form for your landing page. After all, the objective is to get people to sign up for your offer. Don’t send them to another page with your sign-up form. Keep the form near the top of the landing page so that it is easy for the viewer to see. There is always a debate as to how much information you should capture on your form. Shorter is usually better; however, I have found that some companies want to screen out the ” looky-lou’s” so they add more fields with their screening criteria. You may get higher quality leads but fewer leads. So, it all depends on what are your goals and objective. So request the information from the visitor that is relevant for your industry or product. And, of course, don’t forget to add a submit button to the form. Try “Go” or “Click Here” for variety.
  • Once the person has submitted the form, now what do they get? You should set up a response mechanism. At the least they should get a thank you page. If you said they would instantly receive something, say an eBook, then make sure the PDF is readily available and will download instantly. If you have social media accounts, this is a great time to add a “share” button so that people can spread the word about your offer to Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.
  • Once you are satisfied with the look and feel of your landing page, then proofread everything carefully. There is nothing worse than having a glaring typo in front of your viewers. You can always test the landing page to see how effective it might be to convert your visitors. Also track how well your landing page performs so that you can find out the areas for improvement.
So, go ahead and try a few landing pages, test them, and update. It’s all about increasing those conversion rates.